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Visit of His Eminence Khamba Lama Javzandorj Dulamragchaa to the University of Warsaw

On 19-22 January 2025, at the invitation of His Magnificence the Rector of the University of Warsaw, His Eminence Javzandorj Dulamragchaa, Khamba Lama of the Gandantegchenlin Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, who is also the highest hierarch of the Buddhist Church in Mongolia, visited the University of Warsaw. The visit was organised by the Department of Turkic Studies and Inner Asian Peoples of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

On 20 January, the guest visited the headquarters of the Mongolian-Turkic Studies, where he met with the Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, staff and students of the Faculty. They discussed the possibilities of research cooperation with Zanabazar University (based in Gandantegchenlin Monastery), including joint research projects, exchange of staff and teaching experience. The highlight of His Eminence’s visit was a lecture entitled ‘MONGOLIAN BUDDHISM AND CULTURE’, held on 21 January in The Ball Room of the Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace of the UW. The guest was welcomed by Professor Sambor Grucza, Vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw. The lecture was attended by students, researchers and supporters of Mongolia.

Visit of His Eminence Khamba Lama Javzandorj Dulamragchaa to the University of Warsaw

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