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Cross-cultural Communication – Asia and Africa

Full-time graduate studies in Polish.

The educational concept for the “Cross-cultural Communication – Asia and Africa” program involves providing students with knowledge about theories concerning cultures and communication, as well as knowledge about selected aspects of specific cultures. The essence of this study program is to broadly present issues of intercultural dialogue, the interdependencies between cultures, and the processes occurring between them. The studies prepare students to combine knowledge and practice in raising awareness and teaching others how to solve problems arising from cultural differences.

The curriculum of the intercultural communication program represents humanities with a strongly interdisciplinary character. Although the dominant discipline represented by the courses offered in the program is cultural and religious studies, it also includes courses assigned to other humanities disciplines, such as literary studies, linguistics, history, and philosophy.

The aim of education within the intercultural communication program is to prepare specialists who understand the principles of functioning in a multicultural world and environment. They will be able to minimize problems arising from cultural diversity and creatively use cultural differences, for example, in managing multicultural teams.

During the studies, each student has the opportunity to learn at a basic level (A1 level) two Oriental languages (Japanese/Arabic). Learning both languages serves to raise awareness of cultural differences, which will be illustrated by language as a communication system shaped within a specific culture.

Knowledge will be delivered through lectures and reinforced in seminars and discussion classes. Other courses, mainly in the form of workshops and also practical training, will allow students to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Workshop classes are designed to sensitize students to cultural diversity issues, teach them how to identify areas where cultural conditions may determine possibilities for mutual understanding (i.e., communication), and teach methods of communicating with representatives of other cultures. These classes also enhance competencies useful in personal interactions, offering training on appropriately presenting one’s culture and self in communication with others.

Classes are conducted by highly qualified staff, primarily lecturers from the Faculty of Oriental Studies who conduct research in the fields of interpersonal and intercultural communication, mass culture, popular culture, and culinary culture. Many of them are the only specialists in Poland studying issues related to this geographical or cultural area.

Implementing the intercultural communication study program allows participants to achieve cognitive synergy and shape a new trend of thinking and social awareness, which includes the much-needed understanding, openness, and tolerance towards others, as well as recognizing the value of one’s culture and ethical attitudes stemming from the European sphere. A value added for participants in these studies is the increased awareness of the importance of intercultural communication in building a strong, just, and tolerant civil society, as well as realizing the potential to enrich one’s culture with other patterns and ideas, which also strengthen the appreciation of native attitudes and behaviors.

To implement the study program, the Faculty of Oriental Studies has well-equipped and prepared rooms on the Main Campus at Krakowskie Przedmieście. The study program includes both substantive classes (lectures, seminars, exercises, etc.) and a monthly two-day block of workshops of choice. The weekly schedule includes classes in the morning and afternoon on weekdays.

The program also includes a requirement for internships, which are intended to prepare students for future professional work. Internships, serving to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies, can be completed in cultural promotion institutions such as museums, cultural centers, non-governmental organizations, and in state administration offices or Polish diplomatic missions in Asian and African countries, as well as in multicultural employee teams in companies and corporations.

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