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Światowy Dzień Pism Zagrożonych

Coming on January 23rd, World Endangered Writing Day!

The Sign and Symbol Research Group is an international group of scholars, based at Warsaw University, working on a wide variety of questions about scripts and writing. Their research takes place on multiple continents and on many different symbolic systems, both historic and modern. Diverse methodologies ranging from grapholinguistics and semiotics to 文字学 lead them in unpredictable and fascinating directions, including the connections between art, writing and everyday life, never forgetting endangered writing practices.

For World Endangered Writing Day, the group offers five talks and a performance.

Aleksandra Twardokęs: “Typography: much more than utility.”

Aleksandra Wąsowicz-Peinado: “A theatre of skewered chicken? Street calligraphy in Edomoji.”

Daniel Takács: “Practical aspects of Egyptian art.”

Agnieszka Hamann: “Mayan glyphs: alive again!”

Olgierd Uziembło: “How can writing mean nothing?”

The performance will be a demonstration of live calligraphy by Barbara Galińska, the legendary author/designer of the “Stop War” sign, to musical accompaniment by Kamila Ovv.

Free registration is at