The 8th International Conference of Oriental Studies:
Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach |
The 8th International Conference of Oriental Studies: Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach, will be held in the University of Warsaw, November 25-26, 2019.
The conference is organized jointly by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw and the Committee of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Asian and African studies are multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary from its very nature since they cover a multitude of different regions, peoples, languages and cultures, It is therefore self-evident that the research on such variety of subjects must be duly differentiated in terms of theoretical approach and applied methodology. The recent advances and developments in the field of Oriental and African studies require a wider reflection and discussion. It is hoped that the scholars gathered at our conference will contribute to better understanding of the new theoretical and methodological approaches and share their knowledge with other participants.
The organizers invite scholars to deliver a paper referring to their current work, its results and applied methodologies. Comments on the nature of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach are welcome.
Please send your abstract (in English) by October 10, 2019 to: e-mail: a.bareja-starzynska@adm.uw.edu.pl
The conference fee is 650 zl (ca. 150 Euro) which includes conference materials, 2 lunches, 2 dinners and refreshments during the conference. The fee does not include accommodation and travel costs.
Please let us know if you need a personal invitation. In case of invitations required for visa procedure please send us a scan of your passport (the front page with your photograph).
The First Circular containing more details about the conference will follow soon.
On behalf of the organizers: Prof. Marek Mejor and Dr. habil. Agata Bareja-Starzyńska